© Peter Ewins / WWF-Canada Water view

Solutions climatiques basées sur la nature

Nature is considered one of the most powerful tools in the fight against climate change — and yet it has been largely overlooked.


Nature Based Climate Solutions

As governments across Canada try to drive down greenhouse emissions, we urge them to include measurable, nature-based climate solutions like restoring and maintaining carbon-rich forests, coastal zone seagrass, freshwater basins, peatlands, and wetlands‎. Not only do these ecosystems capture and sequester carbon from the atmosphere, they also do double duty by providing vital habitat for wildlife. Nature-based solutions are about figuring out the most efficient way to help nature do its job when it comes to fighting the climate crisis and biodiversity loss.

© Frank PARHIZGAR / WWF-Canada Forest and lake


The loss of habitat for economic activities and other human needs continues to have negative impacts on wildlife, biodiversity and the traditional lands and waters of Indigenous peoples as well as worsening our climate crisis.

Nature-based solutions combat that crisis by protecting habitats and expanding natural carbon sinks like oceans, forests, peat bogs, and wetlands. This also prevents wildlife loss and provides resilience against climate impacts such as sea-level rise, river flooding, extreme fire weather and desertification.