Tag: species at risk

Posts count: 47

Ontario government must do more to protect species at risk: WWF-Canada

WWF-Canada is concerned about the findings outlined in Ontario’s Auditor General’s annual environmental report, which signals a troubling disregard by the Ontario government for the future of at-risk species and climate change. The report... Read More
WWF-Canada is concerned about the findings outlined in Ontario’s Auditor General’s annual environmental report, which signals a troubling disregard...
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Killer whale jumping out of the water in BC

Q&A: The UN COP15 summit needs to be a leap forward for nature

Once a decade, signatories to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) gather to negotiate the next ten years of nature protections. CBD COP15, the UN biodiversity summit in Montreal from Dec. 7 – 19,... Read More
Once a decade, signatories to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) gather to negotiate the next ten years of...
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Behind-the-scenes of the LPRC 2020

The Living Planet Report Canada 2020 is full of data. But who crunches all the numbers? We spoke to Jessica Currie, a specialist in our science, knowledge and innovation team, about what goes into... Read More
The Living Planet Report Canada 2020 is full of data. But who crunches all the numbers? We spoke to...
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Climate change is driving more killer whales to the Arctic

For many, time spent in the Arctic is an invaluable lesson in embracing unpredictability. That was the case when members of our Arctic team and other conservationists spent two months in Tremblay Sound for the annual narwhal camp. During... Read More
For many, time spent in the Arctic is an invaluable lesson in embracing unpredictability. That was the case when members...
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7 fascinating facts about snow leopards

Snow leopards are one of the most majestic and elusive big cats in the world. Found in the high mountains of Asia, they are built for the cold and spend their lives crossing thousands... Read More
Snow leopards are one of the most majestic and elusive big cats in the world. Found in the high...
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Wild successes can come from new federal budget

The Canadian government took a significant step toward protecting habitats and wildlife in the federal 2018 budget announced this week with a $1.3 billion commitment over five years. This historic investment in nature came... Read More
The Canadian government took a significant step toward protecting habitats and wildlife in the federal 2018 budget announced this...
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Canada's federal budget can be a wild success

To truly conquer the decline of wildlife, we need more than a cash infusion. We need to revolutionize our approach to conservation.  Read More
To truly conquer the decline of wildlife, we need more than a cash infusion. We need to revolutionize our approach to conservation. 
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© Staffan Widstrand / WWF © Staffan Widstrand / WWF

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