Tag: COP15

Posts count: 14

A woman and a man at a press conference table in front of flags from Canada, China and the United Nation

What COP15’s Global Biodiversity Framework will mean here in Canada

During a dramatic climax to December’s UN COP15 biodiversity summit, nearly 200 countries adopted the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). Containing four overarching goals and 23 specific targets, the new agreement aims to halt... Read More
During a dramatic climax to December’s UN COP15 biodiversity summit, nearly 200 countries adopted the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework...
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Inuit man standing behind a podium with a WWF panda logo on it

‘We survived off our resources for millennia’: Paul Okalik, WWF-Canada’s lead Arctic specialist

During last month’s COP15 biodiversity summit, WWF-Canada’s lead Arctic specialist, Paul Okalik, moderated an Arctic marine conservation panel with guest speakers hailing from Alaska to Nunavut. Before returning home to Iqaluit, Paul spoke to... Read More
During last month’s COP15 biodiversity summit, WWF-Canada’s lead Arctic specialist, Paul Okalik, moderated an Arctic marine conservation panel with...
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Group of people smiling backstage on a red carpet

For Canada, Indigenous-led conservation led COP15

During COP15’s final week, as negotiators inside the Palais des Congrès wrangled over the details of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, WWF-Canada and our partners were ramping up pressure on the critical importance of... Read More
During COP15’s final week, as negotiators inside the Palais des Congrès wrangled over the details of the Kunming-Montreal Global...
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How IPCAs advance protection and reconciliation

If you’re a regular WWF visitor, you’re already fairly familiar with protected areas — geographical regions of land or water with restrictions on human activities to safeguard habitat. This conservation tool offers the promise... Read More
If you’re a regular WWF visitor, you’re already fairly familiar with protected areas — geographical regions of land or...
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Killer whale jumping out of the water in BC

Q&A: The UN COP15 summit needs to be a leap forward for nature

Once a decade, signatories to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) gather to negotiate the next ten years of nature protections. CBD COP15, the UN biodiversity summit in Montreal from Dec. 7 – 19,... Read More
Once a decade, signatories to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) gather to negotiate the next ten years of...
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© Staffan Widstrand / WWF © Staffan Widstrand / WWF

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