Let’s make every hour Earth Hour
By Harnoor Gill, Grade 8 Student at Stewarttown Middle School, Georgetown, Ontario
“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.” – Mahatma Gandhi. This quote explains my thesis I want to share with you in this article – that every hour should be Earth Hour. I don’t mean that you should just shut the lights off for an hour like you do on Earth Hour day. I am trying to suggest that you should try to consume your energy more efficiently to keep up a more efficient energy consummation every day.
Harnoor Gill, Grade 8 Student at Stewarttown Middle School
First of all, you need to know what Earth Hour is, how every hour can be Earth Hour and last but not least what I can do to help the Earth while by going through this energy efficiency solution. Like Audrey Hepburn used to say, “Nothing is impossible – the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” So, let’s reduce energy consumption. It’s possible!
Many of you might or might not know what Earth Hour is and what people do for an hour to celebrate this energy efficient day. Earth Hour literally means to raise awareness for one hour towards the need to take action on climate change, by turning off all non-essential lights in your household. Not only are you going to do this individually, but you will be doing it with your country in order to save watts and watts of energy for our precious environment. This is something we can all take part in.
I believe that every hour we live in this world can be devoted to Earth Hour as a recognition that our efforts can have an even bigger impact on decreasing energy usage if we simply follow this rule of thumb. All you really have to do to keep up with this goal of mine is to always be aware of not having unnecessary lights on around the house or electrical appliances unsupervised. By doing this, you will also end up with a lower energy bill!
To reduce your energy consumption even more, how about riding a bike as a mode of transportation instead of a car? If it’s a long route, maybe you could try to take some form of public transit rather than a gas-consuming car. If you don’t have the option of public transit and you are in a rush, why not try to carpool with a friend? Or if you live in the same community or building, why not go shopping together or go to church together?
To conclude just like Audrey Hepburn stated with that ‘impossible’ quote, my hope is that in the near future we will see a drastic change, and all cities will consume much less energy than they do – it will help people all over the world and our planet earth.
Thank you for participating in Earth Hour this past weekend and let’s try to make every hour into Earth Hour!