Earth Hour summersaults into its 6th year with call for climate action

“Cheer-spiration” videos featuring such cheeky cheers as “Why does winter feel like summer? Climate change is such a bummer!” can be personalized and shared by individuals through WWF’s Facebook page to their online community of friends and family.

“When we think about climate change, one of our planet’s most serious challenges, we don’t naturally think cheerleaders. But a little humor and some awkward cartwheels go a long way to start a conversation about this big issue and remind people to turn off their lights,” says Josh Laughren, Director of WWF-Canada’s Climate and Energy Program.
Earth Hour’s power comes from people sharing the experience with their community.  And that can be online, in their neighbourhood, with their school, workplace or city. All of this scales up. When I see millions of Canadians raise their voice each year calling for urgent action on climate change, that can’t be ignored, that gives me hope. “
WWF is working with communities, governments, businesses and scientists to reduce Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions by moving towards a future powered by renewable energy.
This year marks the sixth anniversary of Earth Hour in Canada. In 2012, 511 Canadian cities were among the 7000 cities in 152 countries around the world that turned off their lights as a symbolic show of support for global action on climate change.
To personalize your own video and spread Earth Hour “cheer-spiration” in your community, visit WWF’s Facebook page.
For more information about WWF’s Earth Hour and pledge your commitment, please visit: