Rebecca Spring

Posts count: 45

A group of people holding signs that say "deliver climate finance," "loss and damage finance now," and "adaptation finance now"

Power to the people @ COP28: UN climate summit makes progress

What is responsible for climate change? And who is responsible for its consequences? While the answers to these questions have been known for decades — fossil fuels are responsible for 75 per cent of all... Read More
What is responsible for climate change? And who is responsible for its consequences? While the answers to these questions...
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Court decision leaves marine ecosystems vulnerable to impacts of exploratory oil and gas drilling

The Federal Court has dismissed a lawsuit challenging the federal government’s assessment of the ecosystem impacts of exploratory oil and gas drilling off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador. The decision sets a dangerous... Read More
The Federal Court has dismissed a lawsuit challenging the federal government’s assessment of the ecosystem impacts of exploratory oil...
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A herd of Atlantic walruses (Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus) in Foxe Basin, Nunavut, Canada

New WWF project asks Canadians to help count walrus from space

To best safeguard Canada’s walrus populations, WWF-Canada is working to learn more about walrus haulouts (a group of walruses on land or ice) and minimize disturbances though its Arctic Species Conservation Fund. Get involved by... Read More
To best safeguard Canada’s walrus populations, WWF-Canada is working to learn more about walrus haulouts (a group of walruses on...
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Reaching for the (sea) stars

WWF’s Go Wild Community Grants support Vancouver Island community monitoring of sea star health. Read More
WWF’s Go Wild Community Grants support Vancouver Island community monitoring of sea star health.
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Community-based solutions to watershed health

Learn about watershed health on the east coast from CURA H2O and how tools like WWF-Canada’s recently launched Watershed Reports website will help with community-based water monitoring and management. Read More
Learn about watershed health on the east coast from CURA H2O and how tools like WWF-Canada’s recently launched Watershed...
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© Staffan Widstrand / WWF © Staffan Widstrand / WWF

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