The bullfrogpowered community shares conservation tips for Earth Hour

“New laundry machine models use less water and energy and the clothes tend to be drier after the spin cycle than conventional models, resulting in reduced time and energy needed to dry them. Until I can afford that new washing machine, I changed the setting on my drier from timed drying to moisture sensing mode. I found I was overestimating the time it took to dry a load…In addition, we purchased an indoor clothes drying rack and refurbished the clothesline outside.”
Jen Silverthorn
Bullfrogpowered homeowner in Calgary, AB
“I installed The Energy Detective on my home electrical panel a year ago. The Energy Detective allows everyone in our house to see how much power we are using around the clock…so anytime extra power is being used the whole family can find the waste and eliminate it.”
Kelly Whitehouse
Bullfrogpowered homeowner in Kelowna, BC
“I have several rain barrels. When it rains a lot, there is no way that I ever will use all the water for the garden—so I bring in buckets full of water to flush the toilet. [Also,] my washing machine empties into a tub, [which enables me to]…save the rinsing water and bring it upstairs to flush the toilet… The water used to wash vegetables can also be collected to flush the toilet.”
Elisabeth Morrison
Bullfrogpowered homeowner in Ottawa, ON