Tell Me Tuesdays: Elvis has left the building

On this, the 34th anniversary of Elvis’ death, I just can’t get, ‘Elvis has left the building’, out of my head. And, as these icons of history often do, he’s made me reflect on how the world has changed since his time on the planet. Elvis may have ‘left’ some architecturally cool buildings but he never got the chance to step into a LEED certified one.
I’ve had the pleasure of stepping into the LEED certified Centre for Green Cities at the Brickworks in Toronto. With over 3,100 of these buildings in Canada, have you had a chance to check one out? Or have you seen other buildings making great innovations for the environment?

Last Week:
Last week’s post did in fact make me hungry! Check it out for a scrumptious list of seasonal foods that shouldn’t be missed.