So You Think YOU can Dance? Join the National Sweater Day flash mob

Ever since seeing the first of many large, sporadic group dances (flash mobs) on YouTube a number of years back, it has always been a secret dream of mine to participate in one.  To surprise hoards of unsuspecting shoppers or passengers on a train with some outlandish dance number, and be joined by dozens of ‘random’ onlookers.
So when I heard about the flash mob that is being organized by some fun staff at the WWF in support of National Sweater Day, (coming up on February 9th!)  I was pretty darn excited.
The chance to spread awareness about National Sweater Day while fulfilling my dream of joining together with strangers in a super-charged, choreographed dance number? I can’t think of many things better.
Team WWF-Vancouver showing off their wacky sweaters – in public no less! (C) WWF-Canada
But then there was a drawback … I don’t live in Vancouver!
As a Toronto resident, it doesn’t look like it’s going to fit in my schedule this year but for all you Pandas on the west coast who maybe secretly (or not so secretly) have always wanted to try out their dance moves on the public stage, the details for the upcoming event are below.
The Details
Location : TBD (will be announced on February 3rd) but will be in Vancouver.
Time: Between 1-3PM Saturday, February 4th
Rehearsal: OPTIONAL: Sunday, January 29th from 2-4PM at: 677 Davie Street, Vancouver, BC
More details can be found on the event’s Facebook page.
Check out the dance routine tutorial or the full dance, with music!
Wear your most awesome sweater, dance your hearts out and please keep me in your thoughts while you do so. You’re living the dream.