Seventeen minutes and fifty one seconds

Do you have kids?  Do you hope one day to have kids?  What would you do to ensure them a bright future?

© / WWF-Canada

James Hansen is an astrophysicist and chair of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies.  He’s also a dad and a granddad.  And, he’s worried.  When he discovered that the accumulation of heat-absorbing gases in Earth’s atmosphere could change the climate of the whole planet this century, he knew he had to speak out for his kids and grandkids.
Hansen isn’t the world’s most gifted public speaker (sorry, James) but he’s a gifted scientist, and a man of integrity and passion, who lays down the hard evidence and clearly presents the most powerful message anyone who cares about the future of life on this planet can hear.  Please spend seventeen minutes and fifty one seconds with James Hansen today.  Do it for your kids.
Ted Talk: James Hansen – Why I must speak out about climate change
Now, please help us make a bright future for our kids: