My inner animal: An Asian elephant

We both love spending time with friends and family, enjoy travel and stick to a mostly veggie diet. I discovered our kindred spirits through WWF-Canada’s brand new “Inner Animal” Facebook app – which we launched this morning. Thanks to Zamtools for helping us create this!
Unfortunately, this magnificent animal is threatened by extinction and fewer than 33,000 Asian elephants still roam wild: in the face of rapidly growing human populations, the Asian elephant’s habitat is shrinking fast. Wild elephant populations are mostly small, isolated, and unable to join as ancient migratory routes are cut off by human settlements. Confrontations between elephants and people often lead to deaths on both sides, and poaching for ivory, meat and hides is still a widespread problem.
I can celebrate our connection, and support WWF’s conservation work, by symbolically adopting one of these super cute stuffed elephants. I’m looking forward to discovering my friends’ inner animals too, and they might just find some adopted friends under the tree this holiday. Nothing is as meaningful – or as memorable – as the gift of helping protect our planet’s majestic wildlife.
So, what’s your inner animal? Take the quiz and find out!
(c) WWF-Canada