More students speak out to protect Great Bear Region from Northern Gateway Pipeline
To Whom it May Concern,
By putting this pipeline into this sea, thousands of animals will lose their homes and many of these animals include endangered marine life such as humpback and killer whales, and some of the most unique bears such as the white Spirit bear. This type of behaviour is despicable. Students are taught from a very young age about global warming and the importance of protecting our wild life. By even considering settling this pipeline into this sea is hypocritical of everything that is taught in schools. Being in a biology class I have learnt about the importance of having a diversity of life and how loosing even a very miniature portion of this cycle can have devastating effect on everyone else including humans.
A Kermode bear (Ursus americanus kermodei) preparing to enter the water of a river in the Great Bear Rainforest, British Columbia, Canada © Natalie Bowes / WWF-Canada
In the oil spill that recently occurred on the Gulf of Mexico it was seen that over 150 threatened and endangered sea turtles were as well as 316 sea birds were found dead. As well, over the course of the years onwards, a large number of fishermen that worked in and around the area were becoming ill. This just goes to show that these occurrences are very plausible looking at past history. Even after so many oil leak incidents, the fact that the government is even considering putting a pipeline through the Great Bear Sea is ignorant. Canada doesn’t have the equipment, money or ability to deal with a major oil spill in this area. The federal government is also trying to over look the environmental factors of a project like this by quickening the process. As well, they are trying to shadow individuals and groups who are trying to bring light to this project by informing others. This just shows that even the government understands the affects that the pipeline will have but choose to ignore them.
The Great Bear is not only important because of the wildlife but because of its surrounding environment and what it provides for others. In a report on the economic contribution of British Colombia’s fishing, it showed that this industry produces $2.5 billion per year and contributes over 30,000 jobs. This helps those who live around the Sea to have an economically safe life. The Sea also provides thousands of jobs in tourism including 2,200 long term jobs. By preventing this pipeline from making its home in the Great Bear Sea, we would be protecting thousands of animals as well as individuals who depend on this area. In order to avoid this catastrophe we should put a stop to this pipeline project and look into more convenient and safe ways of expanding Canada’s economy.
Nancy Brar