Meet the site coordinators of the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup: Zelda McKenzie

In my travels up and down the river I would notice debris and pick some up, but wanted to do more.  So I looked online to see if there was an association that looked after the water ways and particularly Kennebecasis River.  That is when I came across the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup.  They had everything that I needed to get involved: letter templates for donations, tally sheets, data cards, gloves, garbage bags, and someone to answer the phone if I had any questions.  Those customer service representatives were very helpful with all my needs.

I like the fact that it gets the children involved in preserving our waterways as well as some adults that never thought about it.  I have had the pleasure of having the Hampton High School Green Team to participate every year.  Last year the Sunday school children of the Hampton United Church participated.  I hope that they come again this year.

Hampton hosts a Nature Festival and Environment Fair the same week as the Shoreline Cleanup.  This is perfect timing for me as I can promote my eco-friendly boat tours at the same time I recruit and promote the Shoreline Cleanup.  So with the help of a few editorials in the local papers, putting posters on bulletin boards in the community, the Environment Fair and my plugs for the shoreline cleanup on my adventure tours, I manage to recruit some wonderfully dedicated people to help clean a section of the Kennebecasis from Bloomfield to Darlings Island that is dear to my heart.
For site coordinator hopefuls, plan and they will come. Most local business are willing to help and donate, gloves, garbage bags, water, snacks and the Town disposed of the garbage.