How do YOU celebrate Canada Water Week?
By Alex Mifflin, The Water Brothers
Most of our time will be dedicated to speaking at events and being interviewed about the trips we take all around the world to raise awareness about the state of our planet’s oceans and water resources. The news is not good…and to be honest, this week can be a little overwhelming.
But what about people who aren’t called the Water Brothers; what can you do to celebrate Canada Water Week and World Water Day on March 22nd? Thankfully, there is a lot you can do.
1) Reduce water pollution. Pledge to walk, ride a bike or use public transit at least once a week instead of using a personal vehicle. Or, if that isn’t possible, pledge to eat one meatless meal per day or at least once per week. Globally, the oil and gas industry and meat production are two of the biggest water users and water polluters.
2) Pick a local issue and fight for it. Concerned about dropping water levels in Georgian Bay? Worried about the pharmaceuticals building up in the Great Lakes and in your drinking water? Write your local MP or MPP and tell them that you want to see immediate action and more effort from all levels of government regarding the protection of Canadian waters.
3) Give the gift of clean water. No gift is more precious and can save more lives than the gift of clean water and improved access to sanitation. We saw the transformation small donations for clean water can make first hand during a recent trip to Tanzania and Kenya and there are many excellent international and Canadian NGO’s working on these issues.
And lastly, the two most powerful things you can do are share ideas like these with family and friends and treat every week like its Canada Water Week.
—On Tuesday, March 19 between 4 and 5 pm watch for a special appearance by eco-adventurer brothers Alex and Tyler Mifflin, in TVOKids’ afterschool block, The Space. The brothers will answer questions from kids live on air.
—On Wednesday, March 20 at 6 pm, the Water Brothers open the TVO Doc Studio Screening Series event at the Bloor Hot Docs Cinema with “No Woman, No Water.” Tickets are $10 and proceeds will help TVO, a registered charity, nurture and support documentary filmmakers. Purchase thickets here.
—On Sunday, March 24 catch the Water Brothers’ full first season on TVO from 7 – 10 pm.