© Eiko Jones Photography

Blue Carbon in the Field

Protecting, managing and restoring coastal ecosystems in Canada

WWF-Canada is supporting efforts across Canada to monitor, protect, restore and manage coastal blue carbon ecosystems.

Check out some of these projects below:

© Gilbert Van Ryckevorsel WWF-Canada

Nature and Climate Grant Program

WWF’s Nature and Climate Grant Program is supporting blue carbon restoration work in British Columbia. Project Watershed and K’ómoks First Nation are restoring tidal marshes and riparian forest on a former sawmill site in the heart of the Comox Valley, on the east coast of Vancouver Island, BC.

Read more here.

© Lewis Jefferies / WWF-UK

Restoring salt marsh habitat in coastal B.C.

Peninsula Streams & Shorelines, SeaChange Marine Conservation Society and Tseycum Marine Stewardship are working to restore salt marsh at an estuary that is sediment starved and eroding due to upland development and increased storm surges.

© Mike Ambach WWF-Canada

Supporting Indigenous-led efforts to monitor, protect, and restore blue carbon ecosystems

Through partnerships with Miawpukek First Nation in Conne River, Newfoundland, and the Omushkego First Nations and Mushkegowuk Council, Hudson James Bay Lowlands, WWF-Canada is supporting salt marsh and eelgrass monitoring and restoration work within their territories. This work not only contributes to blue carbon and climate resistance goals, but also to the development of Indigenous Marine Protected Areas in Miawpukek First Nation’s territory and the proposed National Marine Conservation Area in western James Bay and southwestern Hudson Bay.

© Yoon S. Byun / WWF-US

Testing and scaling of regenerative ocean farming techniques

Working with Maaqutusiis Hahoulthee Stewardship Society and Arc of the Coast, WWF-Canada is supporting research around social license for regenerative ocean farming and the implementation of Indigenous-led pilot seaweed farms. The learnings will be used to assist other projects and plan for future work.