2025 Climb for Nature volunteer opportunities

Sign-Up For a Toronto Volunteer Position

We look forward to having you join us this year as a volunteer at WWF-Canada’s CN Tower Climb for Nature on Saturday April 5 and Sunday April 6. This will be an incredible volunteering experience, full of high energy participants eager to climb the tower, and friendly faces all around! The success of this event is in large part due to the 400+ volunteers who will assisting in all areas!

Please note the last day to sign-up to volunteer is Friday March 21, 2025 at 10 am EST. This deadline may move up if all volunteer positions are filled earlier, therefore we encourage you to sign-up early!

Read the below additional sections for more information about volunteer requirements and opportunities that are available. To sign-up for a volunteer opportunity, follow the instructions below:

Returning WWF-Canada Volunteers Only

  • Click HERE to sign-in. Your username is your email address. If you forgot your password, click Password Reset, and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • Once you are logged in, instructions will be available on the Home Screen guiding you how to sign-up for a volunteer role, and your next steps.

New Volunteers Only

  • Complete an Online Application Form HERE. Additional steps will be emailed to you upon completion.

If you have any further inquiries, please email volunteers@wwfcanada.org. You will receive a response within 2 business days.

Volunteer Key Details

Minimum Age

  • All volunteers under the age of 18 must have permission from their parent(s) or legal guardian(s).
  • To volunteer at this event without adult supervision, you must be at least 15 years of age. 
  • Volunteers 14 years of age or under MUST have a parent/guardian volunteer at the event alongside you for your entire shift.


  • Most volunteer shifts begin between 5 AM and 6 AM and it is extremely important that volunteers arrive on time.  If you do not feel that you can truly commit to arriving on time, please do not sign up for these positions. We ask all volunteers to remain in their positions for the full timeframes unless otherwise directed by a team captain and/or an event organizer.


  • We encourage you to eat breakfast prior, and bring additional food/snacks for yourself that you can eat during your shift. Refreshments and some light snacks will be available throughout your shift.
  • Water will also be available throughout the day for all volunteers, and we encourage you to drink lots and to bring your reusable water bottles.


  • Please consider your transportation options to the site before you sign up for a position. On weekends, the TTC subway system is not in service until 6:00 AM on Saturdays and 8:00 AM on Sundays. This can make getting downtown more difficult. However, there are TTC and GO buses that are in service overnight and stop very close to the site. We encourage you to look up transportation options on the TTC website or GO transit website to determine your best route.

Security Check 

  • Please note that a few specific volunteer positions within the CN Tower require official security checks (vulnerable sector police check). You will be contacted by the first week of March if your role requires this (will be indicated in the volunteer position descriptions).

Community Service Hours

  • Volunteers who are interested in receiving documentation for their Community Service Hours are asked to request a reference letter by emailing volunteers@wwfcanada.org directly.
  • Reference letters will be emailed after the event.


  • All volunteers will be required to attend a virtual orientation. If you are volunteering inside the CN Tower, your orientation will occur on March 26, 2025 from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm EST, and if you are at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, the orientation will take place on March 27, 2025 from 5:30 pm to 6:15 pm EST.

Volunteer Positions

WWF-Canada is looking for volunteers to fill a variety of positions.  As there are a number of different positions, we recommend that you carefully read the descriptions of all the positions prior to signing up.  Please be sure to note the date, start/end time, requirements and skill set recommended for the position.

If a team/position has been filled, we may suggest an alternate position for your consideration. Please note we will make every effort to place you in the area you selected, however due to circumstances beyond our control, occasionally volunteers can be asked to assist in other areas should the need arise.

If you are a corporate group that would like to volunteer together, please scroll to the bottom of this page to see opportunities available, and email volunteers@wwfcanada.org to indicate your interest.

Base Cheer Squad
Shifts: Saturday, April 5th and/or Sunday, April 6th from 5:00 am to 12:00pm
Duties: Show your support by providing a positive, enthusiastic atmosphere for those that have just descended the tower after an accomplished climb! Direct individuals back to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre (MTCC) where they can pick-up their t-shirts, incentive prizes, and any personal belongings.
Ideal Volunteer: Must be comfortable talking to people, have a positive attitude, and be comfortable standing for long periods of time. Note that this person may be in some areas that are a bit cooler so recommended for the volunteers to dress in layers!

Coat Check
Shifts: Saturday, April 5th from 5:15 am to 12 pm and/or Sunday, April 6th from 5:15 am to 1:00pm
Duties: You check the climber’s coats and belongings into and out of the coat check area in a smooth and efficient manner.  You will also help direct climbers to Registration tables as well as providing instructions and answering questions.
Ideal Volunteer: You are outgoing, confident and don’t mind speaking to large groups! You remain calm in hectic settings and are always polite and professional. You have excellent communication skills.

Shifts: Saturday, April 5th and/or Sunday, April 6th from 5:30 am to 1:00 pm
Duties: Not sure where you want to volunteer? This opportunity will give you the chance to interact with numerous staff members, volunteers and climbers! Experience the climb by providing support in areas that need additional support, or help fill in for an area where volunteers were unable to attend their shift. You will be assigned your position when you arrive in the morning of the event, and will likely be reassigned to a new area half way through your shift. You may be required to wait for a short period of time while being assigned a role – seating will be provided during the waiting period.
Ideal Volunteer: An outgoing, dynamic and flexible individual who is able to adapt to various situations. Has strong communication and interpersonal skills. Must be comfortable standing or sitting for extended periods of time.

Platinum Panda Lounge
Shifts: Saturday, April 5th and/or Sunday, April 6th from 5:00 am to 12:00 pm
Duties: Welcome some of our elite climbers into the Platinum Panda Lounge! These climbers have raised a lot of money for WWF-Canada, so let’s show them a good time! Answer their questions about the climb, help them get excited before their climb, and relax after all of their hard work!
Ideal Volunteer: An individual that is outgoing and enthusiastic, and likes to engage and mingle with people.

Registration (18+)
Shifts: Saturday, April 5th and/or Sunday, April 6th from 4:45 am – 12:00 pm
Duties: Work with WWF staff and other volunteers to check-in and register all the amazing individuals who have decided to Climb for Nature! You will provide each climber with a time chip/card, wrist band, etc. and answer any questions that they may have.

Ideal Volunteer:  A friendly, enthusiastic and detail-oriented individual who enjoys interacting and communicating with all the incredible climbers. Able to remain patient, polite and professional while dealing with long line-ups and stressful situations. Have excellent communication skills and can follow multi-step instructions. Must be comfortable on computers and with data-entry.
*Registration volunteers must be 18 years of age or older.
This position involves attending a mandatory in-person training session at WWF-Canada Head Office in downtown Toronto (approximately 2.5 hours) on Saturday March 29, 2025.

Time Chips Distributor/Runner
Shifts: Saturday, April 5th and/or Sunday, April 6th from 4:45 am to 12:00 pm
Duties: Deliver climber time chips to registration volunteers in a quick and efficient manner. Time chips are used to track each participant’s time to climb up the stairs. You will ensure the Registration area has enough time chips to be given to each climber. When they run low, you will help by providing them with more.
Ideal Volunteer: Individuals have strong organizational and communication skills. Able to work in a fast-paced environment. An individual that is friendly and outgoing, and is able to stand and walk for several hours.

Timing Technician
Shifts: Saturday, April 5th and/or Sunday, April 6th from 5:45 am to 1:00 pm
Duties: After climbers have descended, and return back to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, volunteers will collect their wristbands and time chips, and provide the participants with their exact climb time (obtained from the time chip). Volunteers may also provide souvenir WWF climb t-shirts to each climber, and boldly write their climb time prominently on the back of the t-shirt. Climbers will get to wear this proudly throughout the day, and keep as a memento as it will include their climb time!
Ideal Volunteer: Detail-oriented individuals that are able to work independently, as well as part of a team. A friendly, outgoing individual who is able to effectively communicate information.

Walking Directions Team
Shifts: Saturday, April 5th and/or Sunday, April 6th from 5:30 am to 12:00 pm
Duties: Act as Google Maps to climbers to ensure they are on the right path to the CN Tower! Work indoors and outdoors by providing directions to individuals along the path to the CN Tower by answering any questions, and instructing those that may be lost. This is a great opportunity to work alongside your friends as you guide people along the way.
Ideal Volunteer: You are enthusiastic and outgoing! You can communicate detailed directions clearly and calmly and answer questions. You have a positive and encouraging attitude and can cheer climbers on as you direct them to the tower. You are comfortable standing for several hours.
* This position involves working outdoors – weather appropriate clothing required

Shifts: Saturday, April 5th and/or Sunday, April 6th from 5:30 am to 1:00 pm
Duties: Got an eye for photography? Help us capture special moments at the event by taking photos of participants, volunteers, and staff. All photos taken on event day must be transferred to our staff photographer on the same day (i.e. through usb, google file transfer, etc.).
Ideal Volunteer: Must have own equipment (professional quality preferred; cell phone with high quality camera is also acceptable). Must have experience taking event photography either personally or professionally.Social Media Assistant
Shifts: Saturday, April 5th and/or Sunday, April 6th from 5:30 am to 1:00 pm
Duties: Assist WWF-Canada’s social media expert with helping her select which photos and videos to use on our socials, and help identify who we should be interviewing!
Ideal Volunteer: Experience with using social media for business purposes is mandatory (either learned in post-secondary education or professionally related experience). Comfortable speaking with the general public to gage their interest in being spotlighted on social media.T-Shirt Distributors
Shifts: Saturday, April 5th and/or Sunday, April 6th from 5:30 am to 12:00 pm
Duties: Volunteers will provide souvenir WWF climb t-shirts to each climber, and boldly write their climb time prominently on the back of the t-shirt. Climbers will get to wear this proudly throughout the day, and keep as a memento as it will include their climb time!
Ideal Volunteer: Neat writing skills and attention to detail. Enjoy speaking with and communicating with individuals who climbed the CN Tower.Videographer
Shifts: Saturday, April 5th and/or Sunday, April 6th from 5:30 am to 1:00 pm
Duties: Capture clips and footage of the event weekend of participants, volunteers, and staff. This may include taking pictures of participants after they have finished the climb, at the bottom of the CN Tower, volunteers helping others out, and more.
Ideal Volunteer: Must have own equipment (professional quality preferred; cell phone with high quality camera is also acceptable). Must have experience taking event videography either personally or professionally.

Corporate Volunteer Group Opportunities

If you are interested in any of above volunteer opportunities for your team, please email volunteers@wwfcanada.org to express your interest and inquire about availability for your group. WWF-Canada can accommodate corporate group sizes with a minimum of 5 people up to 35 people in the same area (or larger if you would like to be in different areas) if you sign-up early!

Coat Check
Shifts: Saturday, April 5th and/or Sunday, April 6th from 5:00 am to 1:00pm
Duties: You check the climber’s coats and belongings into and out of the coat check area in a smooth and efficient manner.  You will also help direct climbers to Registration tables as well as providing instructions and answering questions.
Ideal Volunteer: You are outgoing, confident and don’t mind speaking to large groups! You remain calm in hectic settings and are always polite and professional. You have excellent communication skills. Great opportunity to get your family involved and participate alongside your coworkers and family!Fundraising Room (18+)
Shifts: Saturday, April 5th 7:15 am to 11:00 am OR 8:00 am to 12:00 and/or Sunday April 6th from 7:15 am to 11:00 am
Number of Volunteers:
6-12 volunteers per shift required

Duties: Work with WWF-Canada staff to accurately count and track funds submitted through donation forms.
Ideal Volunteer: You have strong mathematical/accounting skills and enjoy performing detailed tasks. This is a quiet room and is best suited for volunteers who like working independently. Must be 18+ years of age to volunteer for this role.Fundraising Runner (18+)
Shifts: Saturday, April 5th and/or Sunday, April 6th from 6:15 am to 12:00 pm
Number of Volunteers:
2-5 volunteers per shift required

Duties: Alongside staff, assist with moving donations from the Registration area to the Fundraising Room.
Ideal Volunteer: This is a busy position that is best suited for a co-operative, outgoing volunteer. You have strong interpersonal and communication skills.  Volunteers must be able to comfortable walking for long periods of time.

Benefits to Volunteering

There are many reasons to get involved as a volunteer with WWF-Canada’s Climb for Nature, and everyone has their own motivation. Some of our favorite reasons are:

  • Spend the day surrounded by like-minded people who wish to see a world where humans and nature thrive.
  • Help to ensure that WWF-Canada’s conservation work can continue at home and around the world!
  • Gain volunteer experience, make friends and connections at this high-profile event which is a wonderful addition to any resume.
  • Spend meaningful time with friends, family, groups and coworkers! We encourage you to sign up early to be on the same team as your friends!
  • Receive a reference letter documenting your participation and hours (if requested).


We are no longer accepting applications to volunteer at the Toronto Climb for Nature event occurring on April 5 and 6, 2025. CLICK HERE to learn how you can still join in the weekend fun by signing up to reach new heights for yourself and wildlife by climbing 1,776 steps at the CN Tower.

Sign-Up For a Vancouver Volunteer Position

We look forward to having you join us this year as a volunteer at WWF-Canada’s Climb for Nature event in Vancouver on May 10, 2025. This will be an incredible volunteering experience, full of high energy participants eager to climb BC Place’s stairs, and friendly faces all around! The success of this event is in large part due to tremendous work of volunteers who will be assisting in all areas!

Please note the last day to sign-up to volunteer is Wednesday April 30, 2025 at 9 am PST. This deadline may move up if all volunteer positions are filled earlier, therefore we encourage you to sign-up early!

Read the below additional sections for more information about volunteer requirements and opportunities that are available. To sign-up for a volunteer opportunity, follow the instructions below:

Returning WWF-Canada Volunteers Only

  • Click HERE to sign-in. Your username is your email address. If you forgot your password, click Password Reset, and follow the on-screen instructions.
  • Once you are logged in, instructions will be available on the Home Screen guiding you how to sign-up for a volunteer role, and your next steps.

New Volunteers Only

  • Complete an Online Application Form HERE. Additional steps will be emailed to you upon completion.

If you have any further inquiries, please email volunteers@wwfcanada.org. You will receive a response within 2 business days.

Volunteer Key Details

Minimum Age

  • All volunteers under the age of 19 must have permission from their parent(s) or legal guardian(s).
  • To volunteer at this event without adult supervision, you must be at least 15 years of age.
  • Volunteers 14 years of age or under MUST have a parent/guardian volunteer at the event alongside you for your entire shift.


  • All volunteer positions commence at 7 am and will end at 2:30 pm. It is extremely important that volunteers arrive on time. We ask all volunteers to remain in their positions for the full timeframe unless otherwise directed by a team captain and/or an event organizer.


  • We encourage you to eat breakfast prior, and bring additional food/snacks for yourself that you can eat during your shift. Refreshments and some light snacks will be available throughout your shift.
  • Water will also be available throughout the day for all volunteers, and we encourage you to drink lots and to bring your reusable water bottles.


  • Please consider your transportation options to the site before you sign up for a position. On weekends, the bus and SkyTrain may not be in service during your desirable time – this can make getting to BC Place more difficult. However, there are buses that are in service overnight and stop within a 10-minute walk to the venue. We encourage you to look up transportation options on the TransLink website to determine your best route.

Community Service Hours

  • Volunteers who are interested in receiving documentation for their Community Service Hours are asked to request a reference letter by emailing volunteers@wwfcanada.org directly.
  • Reference letters will be emailed after the event.

Volunteer Positions

If a team/position has been filled, we may suggest an alternate position for your consideration. Please note we will make every effort to place you in the area you selected, however due to circumstances beyond our control, occasionally volunteers can be asked to assist in other areas should the need arise.

If you are a corporate group that would like to volunteer together, please email volunteers@wwfcanada.org to indicate your interest.

Customer Service Volunteer
Time: 7:00 am to 2:30 pm
Duties: As a customer service volunteer at WWF-Canada’s Climb for Nature event in Vancouver, you will be working alongside staff and other volunteers in one or more of the following areas: event set-up and tear-down; greet people when they enter the venue, and point them in the right direction; register participants; assist participants at Coat Check; cheer our stair climbers and keep encouraging them; hand out prizes; hand out WWF-Canada t-shirts, and let participants know how fast they finished; assist at the photo booth; help other volunteers check-in upon their arrival; distribute snacks and beverages; and/or answer any questions from event participants and guests.
Ideal Volunteer: A friendly, enthusiastic and detail-oriented individual who enjoys interacting and communicating with all the incredible climbers. Able to remain patient, polite and professional while dealing with long line-ups and stressful situations. Have excellent communication skills and can follow multi-step instructions.

Media Relations Assistant
Time: 7:00 am to 2:30 pm
Duties: Working alongside staff, volunteers will greet media at the media desk. You will ensure liability forms are signed, and talk with media to understand the nature of their coverage. You will share information about the event with media and offer various interview and shot options. You may accompany WWF-Canada staff and media to different points of the event (i.e. start line, finish line, etc..) to make sure they have a smooth experience and capture the content they need. You will also be assisting with event set-up and teardown.
Ideal Volunteer: You are comfortable greeting people and sharing information. You remain calm in hectic settings, are flexible, and are always polite and professional. You have excellent communication skills. You are interested in gaining hands-on media relations experience in a fast-paced setting. Enrollment in a post-secondary PR, media relations, journalism or communications course is an asset.

Social Media Assistant
Time: 7:00 am to 2:30 pm
Duties: Assist WWF-Canada’s social media expert with helping select which photos and videos to use on our socials, and help identify who we should be interviewing! This role will also be assisting with event-set up and tear down.
Ideal Volunteer: Experience with using social media for business purposes is mandatory (either learned in post-secondary education or professionally related experience). Comfortable speaking with the general public to gage their interest in being spotlighted on social media.

Benefits to Volunteering

There are many reasons to get involved as a volunteer with WWF-Canada’s Climb for Nature, and everyone has their own motivation. Some of our favorite reasons are:

  • Spend the day surrounded by like-minded people who wish to see a world where humans and nature thrive.
  • Help to ensure that WWF-Canada’s conservation work can continue at home and around the world!
  • Gain volunteer experience, make friends and connections at this high-profile event which is a wonderful addition to any resume.
  • Spend meaningful time with friends, family, groups and coworkers! We encourage you to sign up early to be on the same team as your friends!
  • Receive a reference letter documenting your participation and hours (if requested)