Meet your perfect match: 6 Valentine’s Day gifts for every wildlife lover
Love in the animal kingdom doesn’t quite live up to our romantic ideals, no matter how many times you’ve watched Lady and the Tramp. But that doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate with a wildlife-inspired Valentine’s Day gift for your beloved human!
We break down how to choose the perfect symbolic wildlife adoption gift for every nature-loving Valentine.

When you fall fast
Adopt a cheetah if your relationship went from 0 to 96 km/h in under three seconds.

For the polar opposites that attract
Adopt a polar bear if you couldn’t be more different but still go together like polar bears and sea ice.
When you want to say, “I caribou you”
Adopt a caribou for the one special friend you’d travel thousands of kilometres across the Arctic tundra to be by their side.
When you’re meant to “bee”
Adopt a bumblebee for the queen bee of your heart. They’ll be buzzing with joy knowing their gift also shows nature some love.
If your love is rarer than a two-tusked narwhal
Very few people have been lucky enough to spot a two-tusked “unicorn of the sea.” Although our narwhal plush is so rare it sold out, you can still send your own sea unicorn an e-card that helps protect a narwhal’s icy home.
For your un“BEAR”ably cute cub
Adopt a giant panda for the little ones you can’t get enough of. Giant panda cubs are born 1/900th the size of their moms and they spend all their time together those first few months.
This Valentine’s Day choose from WWF-Canada’s collection of Gifts that Change the World for the loved ones who are your world.