Tag: take action

Posts count: 7

Monarch butterfly drinking nectar from pink Joe Pye Weed flowers

How re:grow helps you help nature

April showers bring May flowers, but this spring will specifically be bringing native flowers, as well as other native plants, shrubs and trees thanks to people like you signing up for re:grow, our new... Read More
April showers bring May flowers, but this spring will specifically be bringing native flowers, as well as other native...
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Humpback whale swims near a ship in British Columbia © WWF-Canada / Steph Morgan

‘No Dumping’ in Marine Protected Areas Isn’t as Clear as It Seems

After years of advocacy, WWF-Canada was thrilled when the federal government committed to establishing new minimum standards for federal marine protected areas (MPAs) that included bans on oil and gas exploration, mining, bottom trawling and dumping.... Read More
After years of advocacy, WWF-Canada was thrilled when the federal government committed to establishing new minimum standards for federal marine...
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© Staffan Widstrand / WWF © Staffan Widstrand / WWF

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