Search Results for: baffinland

Posts Count: 29

Ore carrier ships in Arctic with land in distant background

What’s next for Baffinland’s Mary River Mine?

The Mary River iron mine is the biggest industrial development project and largest private-sector employer in Nunavut. Located in the northern interior of Baffin Island, and owned by Baffinland, it contributes nearly a quarter... Read More
The Mary River iron mine is the biggest industrial development project and largest private-sector employer in Nunavut. Located in...
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Male narwhals caress one another with their tusks in Nunavut, Canada.


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Clearing the air: WWF-Canada leadership leads to reduced Arctic ship emissions

Arctic communities and wildlife in Canada can now take a deep, clean breath: the International Maritime Organization (IMO) recently announced its approval of an emission control area (ECA). The designation, which imposes strict regulations... Read More
Arctic communities and wildlife in Canada can now take a deep, clean breath: the International Maritime Organization (IMO) recently...
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Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) feeding in the coastal waters near Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada. © WWF-Canada / Chad Graham

10 ways the tides are changing for ocean conservation

Happy Oceans Month! To celebrate, we’re sharing the top 10 biggest ocean conservation wins of the past year. Though the tides are changing thanks to the support of ocean advocates across the country, we’re... Read More
Happy Oceans Month! To celebrate, we’re sharing the top 10 biggest ocean conservation wins of the past year. Though...
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Inuit man standing behind a podium with a WWF panda logo on it

‘We survived off our resources for millennia’: Paul Okalik, WWF-Canada’s lead Arctic specialist

During last month’s COP15 biodiversity summit, WWF-Canada’s lead Arctic specialist, Paul Okalik, moderated an Arctic marine conservation panel with guest speakers hailing from Alaska to Nunavut. Before returning home to Iqaluit, Paul spoke to... Read More
During last month’s COP15 biodiversity summit, WWF-Canada’s lead Arctic specialist, Paul Okalik, moderated an Arctic marine conservation panel with...
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An Inuk man watches an icebreaker, Nunavut, Canada

The Arctic needs an Emission Control Area — and it needs one now

The shipping industry transports goods around the world — but that’s not all it brings. Eighty-six per cent of international ships burn Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO), the residual product left over from the fuel... Read More
The shipping industry transports goods around the world — but that’s not all it brings. Eighty-six per cent of...
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© Staffan Widstrand / WWF © Staffan Widstrand / WWF

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