Ephemeral Projects
Ephemeral Projects
Ephemeral Projects is an initiative of Université de Montréal that aims to temporarily occupy and valorize part of the construction site of its future science campus, the Outremont Site. Through collaboration with ten local environmental organizations, the construction site has become the scene of a series of micro projects whose common goal is to bring public awareness to the appropriation and valorization of urban spaces. Among others, a collective garden, a pollinator garden, an apiary, a tree nursery, and a space dedicated to small-scale intensive food production, as well as a few ecological experimental projects can be found on site.
The site has become a platform for people of all ages to learn about how sustainable development transforms cities. Moreover, it will play host to a multitude of user-friendly and educational activities such as movie nights and outdoor concerts, workshops on urban agriculture, tours and solidarity markets. A harvest festival was also held in the falls of 2015 and 2016.
In 2016, this project won first prize at the Gala de reconnaissance en environnement et développement durable (Gala for the recognition of the environment and sustainable development) of Montreal in the category for companies and institutions.