Your Sweater Day stories and photos

Check out our Facebook album for all of the fabulous photos.
Of course, Loblaw stores across the country led the charge. This employee at Atholville Superstore in New Brunswick was definitely showing some Sweater Day spirit.

Hannah Darrach-Cottick, a student at Balmoral Hall in Winnipeg, made a presentation at an assembly on the significance of making simple changes to benefit the planet. “We learned about the incredible positive effects from something so easy as turning down the heat,” she says. “All the girls from grades six to twelve and many of the teachers wore fabulous sweaters to show our commitment to the environment. We also had a sweater and warm clothing drive for a nearby shelter.”

Many workplaces and schools had contests for the most outrageous sweaters. At Kildonan Place in Winnipeg, West 49 staff were awarded for team spirit.

MEC employees dug out some hilarious threads, and used Sweater Day as a way to start deeper conversation on conservation.
Opting for a more monochromatic look, Team Strombo donned black hoodies to keep warm.

Our national event made some international waves, too. Students on Ice, a group of Canadian students on an Antarctic sailing expedition, blogged about Sweater Day at sea. And Anne-Marie Pronk in the Netherlands shared some great photos from Warme Truiendag – Dutch Sweater Day!

Want to see more? So do we! Share your Sweater Day memories and photos with us.